The 3rd Annual Coaster Show at La Luz De Jesus in Los Angeles
Sept 4 - 27, 2015 Opening Reception: Sept 4, 8-11pm
Star GazerStrikes TwicePunch Your Lights OutFrom La Luz De Jesus; "We’ve all done it. We’ve sat at the bar, drinking a beer and doodled on a coaster.
But most of us aren’t the extremely skilled painters, illustrators, animators, tattooists, sculptors or collage artists that are featured in this exhibition that takes a love of craft brewing and elevates it to high art.
We produced a custom canvas for some of our favorite gallery folks to do what they do best, and transform a 4″ tondo coaster into museum worthy exhibition pieces.
Last year, we dotted our walls with over 700 tiny masterpieces, and this year we’ve outdone ourselves–with over 1000! The rules were simple: Each coaster must be a solitary work (though it’s fine if several pieces work together contextually), and they must be priced $250 or less. There is no bottom, so some coasters will be free!"